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a drop of water +two drops +many drops =sea

a tree +two trees +many trees = forest

one person +two persons +many persons =society


the picture shows a simple truth

if too many drops of water are put together ,they will become a sea. many trees standing together form a forest and many people make up a society . it conveys a message to us : a whole is made up of many small parts that are closely related .nothing or no one could exist alone .

the picture sets us thinking deeply : our society is made up of many people who have different personality and characters . if we want to create a harmonious society ,we must live in harmony with others . on the other hand , since everybody is related to others , we should be responsible for what we say and what we do so that we can develop a pleasant relationship with others , which makes it possible for us to enjoy life to the fullest .


“hoo-hoo! the wind howled like a lion. in the morning, i got up and opened the window. ”oh! it's cold! i was gave a shudder in the cold wind blow. i hurriedly close the windows, so as to avoid catching a cold. i carefully out of the window a look, ah! a few tree was blown down on the highway. i just want to rise, television said the typhoon“ rosa ”is coming.

this morning, i could not hear the sound of the car, but the wind and rain.

the rain seemed to pour down from the sky, and little umbrellas could not help the passers-by to stop the rain. the rain had hit the windows of my house again and again, and the windows were “pit-a-pat”.

i looked at the road again, and the liuxue86.com pedestrians were holding their umbrellas and rolling their trousers to their knees so that they wouldn't get wet. there are cars on the highway, but those are anti-taiwan police cars and engineering cars. most private cars don't move. some cars were submerged in water and pulled away by the trailer.

further highways are full of rain. several soldiers were dispatched from the army, carrying a lifeboat, to save the people trapped in the water. they pushed the boat to the trapped pedestrian, helped the pedestrian to sit on it, and then moved one step at a time to the top of the water.

look into the river again. the color of the water turns yellow. there were a few ducks on the surface of the water, and they were washed away by the rushing waters, and they could not swim. the water also rose much higher and flooded several lowlands. on the river, small whirlpools occasionally appear, and the water gourds on the river are rolled to the bottom of the river.

how dangerous the typhoon is to us!

as long as we take good care of the environment, the bad weather will not happen without litter.


the person i respect

we have a lot of respectable people around us. they may be our teachers, parents or one of our elders. as for me, my father is the person i respect most. my father is a teacher who loves his work and his students very much. he works very hard every day but he will also spare some time to accompany me and share many funny things with me about his work.

when i come across the problems of learning in my study, my father will listen to me patiently and encourage me to overcome the difficulties bravely. he achieved a lot in his work, respected by his students. so, in my mind my father is the person i respect most and i love him deeply.


in our modern society,competition has been increasingly intense, especially in large cities. therefore,people are forced to work much harder than ever before, so that they have muchless time to have a good rest. rest seems a kind of luxury to them. however, i stronglydisapprove of the behavior that spending most of time in working and having norest. i think it’s the high intensity of work that makes rest important andnecessary. there’s a saying that all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. frommy point of view, the dull are both in physics and spirit. without a good rest,no people can pay all his attention to work and do it well. therefore, peopleshould learn to combine work and play which helps us go further.



















dear peter,

i am writing to offer my sincere congratulations

congratulations again.


li hua


dear peter,

i am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the chinese chess network challenge. as your friend, i just want you to know how glad i am at your success.

“everything comes to him who waits.” for these years, you’ve shown great interest in chinese chess and kept on practicing it every day. not only have you read many books about chinese chess strategy, but also you have competed in all kinds of chinses chess contest. finally, you succeeded in wining the online competition!

so i’m so happy that you become champion of this network challenge. atlast, i hope to play chinese chess with you so that we can make progress together. please tell me when you have time.

congratulations again.


li hua

2. (介绍古筝)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友peter对中国传统乐器很感兴趣,写信请你向他介绍一款中国传统乐器,请给peter写一封回信,内容要点如下:









参考词汇:the chinese zither 古筝;plucked instruments拨弦乐器;

string琴弦;sonorous圆润低沉的;the chinese piano东方钢琴

dear peter,

i have gladly received your letter

best wishes!


li hua


dear peter,

i have gladly received your letter telling me that you’re interested in traditional chinese musical instruments.now, i’d like to tell you something about the chinese zither, one of the most ancient chinese musical instruments with a long history of over 2500 years.

the chinese zither is a plucked instrument and is played with both hands.in the early times it had 5 strings and has developed into 21 to 25 strings up to now.

the chinese zither has a wide range and sonorous sound. as its playing appears and sounds like playing the piano, the chinese zither is sometimes called “the chinese piano”.

enclosed with the letter is a cd of masterpieces of the chinese zither. i hope you’ll enjoy it.

best wishes!


li hua

3. (成语故事)假如你是李华,你的美国网友peter对你博客里的一幅漫画很感兴趣,给你留言询问其含义。









dear peter,

the picture is about a chinese idiom “wen ji qi wu”.


li hua


dear peter,

the picture is about achinese idiom “wen ji qi wu”. this idiom originated from a well-known story happened in xin jin dynasty. in order to serve their country well, two patriotic young men, named zu ti and liu kun, both got up and practised sword playing the moment they heard the cock crow. day by day and year in, year out, they never stopped. later, they all made great contributions to protecting their country.

nowadays, people usually use the phrase “rising up upon hearing the crow of a rooster to practise sword playing” to signify that someone is exerting himself to do something worthwhile. it is also used to describe that a person of noble aspirations exerts himeself in time.

if you have any other questions about this idiom, please tell me.


li hua










dear peter,


li hua


dear peter,

i came to see you but you were out. i’d like to invite you to see beijing opera with me next week, since you have always wanted to know more about chinese culture since the first day to china.

with a history of nearly 200 years, beijing opera is a form of traditional chinese theatre, which is considered as the quintessence of chinese culture. the performers in ornate costume perform various stories happened in history to audience by singing, dance and motions. i can tell you more about it when we meet.

please let me know when you will be free and i will buy the tickets in advance. i sincerely hope that you can accept my invitation and i’m sure you’ll enjoy it.


li hua

5. (通知:中华经典朗诵)假如你是学生会主席李华,学生会打算举办中华经典文学朗诵活动,请根据以下信息写一份英文通知。








参考词汇:中华经典文学朗诵chinese classics reciting



in order to improve the students’ spoken chinese and encourage them to read more chinese classics, a chinese classics reciting contest among the students will be held in the school lecture hall from 3 p.m to 5 p.m on 30th may. it is organized by the student union. those who want to take part in the contest, please sign up in the student union office before may 20th.the contesters should recite chinese classics individually or in a group. the first 10 winners will be given prizes. everyone is welcome to participate init.

the student union

may 10, 2016

6.(邀请信:邀外教参加书法讲座) 假定你是李华,你校外教david对中国传统文化很感兴趣。学校邀请著名书法家沈鹏到校举行书法讲座。请给david发一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加并介绍讲座的有关事宜。



3) 活动安排:听讲座,讨论及提问,观摩名家即兴创作等。





参考词汇:calligraphy书法;improvise v. 即兴表演

dear david,


li hua


dear david,

i’m writing to invite you to the lecture on chinese calligraphy which is the art of writing chinese characters and especially refers to the rules of writing with a brush.

the lecture will be given by shen peng, a famous calligrapher, in the lecture hall of the art building on may 15th this sunday. as far as i know, you like the traditional culture ofchina, so you will enjoy it.

the lecture will last from 8 a.m to 11 a.m, mainly consisting of three parts: one and a half hours’ listening to the lecture, half an hour’s discussion and one hour for observing the calligrapher improvising on the spot.

i will be very glad if you come. looking forward to your early reply.


li hua

★ 全国高考语文作文题目

★ 2014年全国高考各省作文题目汇总

★ 2013年全国高考各省作文题目汇总

★ 高考英语作文题目及(全国1卷)

★ 2020全国新高考Ⅱ卷作文题目及范文

★ 高考作文题目

★ 高考作文题目大全

★ 海南高考作文题目及

★ 广东省高考作文题目

★ 北京高考作文题目







注意:1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语和介绍语已为你写好。

dear peter,

how are you doing?________________________________________


looking forward to your reply.


li hua


dear peter,

how are you doing?

i’m writing to tell you that my uncle li ming is going to your city for a conference, and i’ve asked him to bring you the chinese painting you’ve asked for before.

also, i’d like you to do me a favor. would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is the first visit to the u.s.? thank you in advance!

his flight number is ca985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am. august 6. my uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. and he will be in blue jacket.

looking forward to your reply.


li hua




according to report, in china, there are about 70 thousand people killed in traffic accident, accounting for more than 50% of the total number of accidental deaths. both the traffic accident rate and mortality rank first in the world whose victims are mainly children, adolescents and the elderly. this a a cruel fact. how can we make the roads safer? remember the following rules.


when you ride a bike or walk in the street, keep yourself in the right side of the road. don’t cross the road or turn left at a red traffic light. give a sinal when you want to cross the road or stop. before corssing the road, stop and look at your right and left sides, making sure that there is no car passing by. additionally, our government should make more severe traffic rules and punitive measures. some drivers always violate the traffic rules, which is the main cause to traffic accidents. therefore, our governmet should play a more important role in preventing traffic accidents.


i was so busy in the previous winter holiday for i am going to take the university entrance exam in july this year. everyday, i buried myself in studying. i had to review each required subject and do lots of exercises. besides, because i did bad in mathematics and physics, i had to do much more exercises than other courses, which made me discouraged. i spent more than ten hours a day in studying. when i was tired, i watched tv or listened to music for a little while. but it was a big pity that i couldn't go to the see cinema. in addition, i had to refuse all the invitations of friends and relatives. i only called them or sent messages in the new year’s eve. i desperately hoped that there is no exam but i know it’s impossible. the only thing i can do is to study hard to get good scores and can be admitted to tsinghua university.




第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 人物简介;

2. 尊敬和爱戴的原因。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 短文题目和首句已为你写好。


mr. liu, aged 58, is my english teacher. he is so humorous, responsible and selfless that i respect and love him very much.

to be honest, his assistance has a great impact on me. it was mr. liu who made me perceive the importance of learning english well. had it not been for his guidance and encouragement, i couldn't have won the first place in the city english speech contest. without his aid, i wouldn't have boosted my integrated skills in english. i'll definitely remember his kindness and help forever.

mr. liu is a very respectable teacher indeed! i do thank him for what he did for me.





the person i respect

we have a lot of respectable people around us. they may be our teachers, parents or one of our elders. as for me, my father is the person i respect most. my father is a teacher who loves his work and his students very much. he works very hard every day but he will also spare some time to accompany me and share many funny things with me about his work.

when i come across the problems of learning in my study, my father will listen to me patiently and encourage me to overcome the difficulties bravely. he achieved a lot in his work, respected by his students. so, in my mind my father is the person i respect most and i love him deeply.





the people i respect the most

my father is the man i respect most. stern as he may be, he never fails to show his care and consideration. once i broke a neighbor s window. seeing nobody around, i ran away immediately.

when dad came home, he noticed my uneasiness and asked me what had happened. i could only tell him the truth. rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor. i learned from this episode that not only does dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens. how lucky i am to have such a good father!




the person i respect

there are a lot of people around us. every one of them deserves respect in different ways. but today i want to tell you something about my grandma. old as she is, she stays characteristically strong and cheerful. she is the kind that will never miss her regular ‘ladies’ brunches’ with her friends, and she was traveling multiple times a year in her 70s, and even took a trip abroad without knowing a word of english. she' s popular with the neighbors since she is always supportive of other people and makes time for them when they need help. this is my grandma, a person i love and respect deeply.


the people i respect the most is my father.he is a doctor. he always busy with work. since i can remember, he never spent a whole weekend to stay with me. he goes to the hospital very early before i get up, and comes back home after i sleep. but i doesn’t matter at all, he is hero to me. he devotes almost all the time to his patients, many lives are saved. he always said, a man should have dignity, integrity, honor, and most of all, be helpful to others. this affected me deeply, so i work hard so that someday i could be the man like my father.我最尊敬的人是我的父亲。他是一名医生。他的工作总是很忙。从我记事起,他就从来没有陪我过过一个完整的周末。他每天在我起床前就去医院了,回来的时候我已经睡着。但是我一点也不介意,他在我的眼里是个英雄。他几乎把所有的时间都献给了他的病人,很多人的生命因此得救。他总是说,一个男人应该有尊严、正直、荣誉,更重要的是,帮助他人。这对我的影响很深,我正努力,就是为了有一天成为一个像我父亲一样的男人。

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
