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m3u3 project



1. 列出 china and rome的异同点

2. 画出china and rome时间发展表


para.1 main events in rome and china between 753bc and 479 bc.

para.2 similarities between china and rome during the han dynasty.

para.3 both rome and china influenced other areas between 212 bc and 100bc.

para.4 rome and china had a hard time in the following hundred years.

二: 词汇知识


1.使混乱, 迷惑(vt.) confuse 混乱,混淆(n.) confusion_迷惑的(adj.)confused


2.战争,打斗(v.) fight 战争,打斗(n.) fighting 战士,打斗者(n.) fighter

3.诗歌(n.) poetry 诗人poet 诗poem

4.相同点(n.) similarity adj. similar adv. similarly

5.重新统一(vt.) reunite n. reunion

6.推翻 overthrow (past form& past participle form) overthrew overthrown


1.秦朝 the qin dynasty 2.早在公元前 as early as bc

3.在使用中 in use 4.作为回报in return (for)

5.在随后的几百年里 in the following hundred years

6.经历了一番磨难 have a hard time 7.不再存在 no more 8.发生,举行take place


1. not only was rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.

2. the han dynasty was founded_ with chang’an as its capital city.

3. what is interesting is that the other largest city was rome.

4.chinese people _managed to travel further and further along the silk road, introducing silk, china, tea, etc. to other countries.



1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________



1.he greatly influenced the development of china’s culture and education.

influence n.& vt影响

influence sb. to do sth. 影响或支配某人做某事

have (an) influence on/upon 对 有影响

under the influence of 在 影响下

1) the fact that he is rich and famous has no influence on/upon our decision.(不会影响)

2) i don't influence you. you must decide for yourself.


2. as early as 200 bc,the silk road, which was the route for trade between the east and the west, was in use.

trade n.贸易,交易[u] 行业the trade

vt.交换[(+for)] vi. 做买卖,进行交易

trade in 做…(某方面的 生意)

trade with 与…做生意;与…交换

trade sth. for sth. 以…交换

1)he trades in silk. 他经营丝绸贸易。

2)she traded three apples for a bunch of bananas. 她用三只苹果换得一串香蕉。

3)japan does lots of trade with the united states. 日本与美国间的贸易频繁。

4)the country earns most of its income from the tourist trade (旅游业).

3. as early as 200 bc. the silk road, which was the route for trade between the east and the west, was in use.

out of use 不再使用的 come into use开始被使用

be of use to (sb.)有用 be of no use ( to sb.) 无用

make use of =_make the most of = make the best of =make good/full use of =take advantage of

1)this technique is still in wide use_. 这一技术仍被广泛使用。

2)these dictionaries are of great use . 这些词典十分有用。

3)this method has come into wide use in this area. 这方法在这一地区已被广泛使用。

4. in return (for sth.) 作为(对…)的交换;作为(对…的)回报;作为回应

in turn(1)依次地,轮流的;(2)转而,反过来

1)he gave her some roses in return for her kindness 他送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。

2)i asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return.

3)the students clean the classroom everyday in turn.

4)theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.

5. …and by ad 476, the roman empire was no more.

no more不再=not …any more

1)he promised to drink no more.

2)time lost will return no more. =time will not return any more.失去的时间不会再来。

once more/again 又一次,再一次 more or less 或多或少

no more than 仅仅,只有 (强调少) not more than 不比…多(强调客观事实)

6. likewise adv. 1. 同样地,相似的( in the same way; similarly) 2.也,亦,又(also)

1) i told him to watch me and do likewise. 我叫他仔细看着我,并且照样做。

2) i must go to bed now, and you likewise.


1. not only was rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.

not only放在句首,后接从句时要用倒装结构,

1)not only could he finish the homework on time, but also he helped some others.

2)not only had he read the book,(他不但读过此书), but he remembered what he had read.

3)_not only were the crops damaged, 不仅庄稼受到损坏),but also many people died.

not only you but also i am angry with what he did.(be)

2.fifteen years later (206 bc) the qin dynasty was overthrown, and the han dynasty was founded with chang’an as its capital city.

此句中的with chang’an as its capital city.是个with的复合结构,

即“with + 宾语+ 宾语补足语”,这一结构的宾语补足语常见的有n./adj./adv./to do /doing/done/prepositional phrase_等。

1) he was lying on the bed with clothes on(和衣)

2) with the boy to lead the way, we will find the house easily tomorrow.(lead)

3) with the boy leading the way, we found the house easily that day.(lead)

4) the earth, with water covering 70 percent of the surface, appeared like “a blue ball”.(cover)

5)-come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

--- sorry. with so much work filling my mind, i almost break down.(fill)


1.let us unite to fight poverty and disease.

2.fascism had lawlessly overthrown the democratic government

3.these goods are in short supply; the price will be high.

4.these events led to the declaration of war and the united states declared war against japan at last.

5.napoleon called himself emperor of the french, which was the highest position in an empire.

6. there are some similarities between the two attacks.

7.you can avoid confusion by speaking clearly.

8.the people's republic of china was founded in 1949.


1.not only __ give people relaxation and pleasure, but _ increase their knowledge of any kind.

a. can travel, it can b. travel can, can it c. can travel, can it d. travel can, it can

2. experts say that the ____ the earthquake had ___ the children will last for a long time.

a. affect, on b. effect, in c. influence, on d. influence, in

3. we have enough grain while that country is rich in oil so we can receive oil ___ for grain.

a. in return b. in turn c. in fact d. in nature

4. the bridge built in 1994 needed to be rebuilt while zhaozhou bridge is still ______.

a. in use b. out of use c. come into use d. of no use

5. because of the economic crisis, the company stopped trading ____ clothing.

a. for b. in c. with d. between

6.--you are always welcome at our house.

-- _________.

a. me too b. so do i c. likewise d. the same

7.with fewer and fewer farmers ___________ chickens, the price of eggs in the market _____.

a. rising, rised b. raising, raises c. rising, raises d. raising, rises

8.she was so angry and sad that she left and would come to the city ___.

a. no longer b. once more c. more or less d. no more

9. ___ speaking english every day, and you will surely improve your spoken english.

a. practising b. practise c. practised d. practises

10. –in , obama was elected _____ president of the united states,____ forty-third one in american history.

a. the, / b. a, the c. the, a d. /, the

1-10. acaab cddbd


project protecting the yangtze river


1. 培养学生学习和运用词汇的能力

2. 通过练习巩固所学词汇和句式


1. 课前熟练掌握文中的重点词汇和短语

2. 通过自学和合作探究,提高分析句子的能力

3. 通过练习检测自己对词汇和句子的掌握情况,查漏补缺,进一步提高解题能力



ii. fill in the blanks according to the text:

as the third longest river in the world, it is clear to see why the environmental problems of the yangtze river have raised concern both nationally and internationally. but with the rapid agricultural and industrial development, it has been polluted badly. the pollution of the river has resulted in unsafe drinking water which has led to health problems for people living near the river.

thankfully, many people have realized the importance of protecting the yangtze river. projects have been set up to deal with the problem. they are under way to protect the river. although they have done a lot, we still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning the yangtze river.

iii. words and phrases:

1. his funny story during his speech resulted in (引起) few laughs.

2. some of the kids are addicted to computer games, which arouses concern (关注,关心) of both parents and teachers.

3. during his speech, the minister of education emphasized the importance(重要性) of education.

4. can you advise (建议,忠告) me on the problem?

5. the water pollution endangered(危及) the living things in the river in the past.

6. after the fire, very little remained(留存,剩下) of my house.

7. he made every effort(努力) to achieve high grades.

8. you’ll appreciate (欣赏) this city better if you know its history and culture.

9. you’d better stock (保留) the money for future need.

1.环境问题environmental problems 2.引起关注raise concern

3.依靠rely on 4.导致result in

5.对..产生坏的影响have a bad effect on 6.建立、创立establish

7.在进行中be under way 8.集中于focus on

9.找出…的解决办法find a solution to 10.是…的家园 be home to

11.自然保护区nature reserve 12.阻止…干某事prohibit sb from doing

Ⅳ. fill in the blanks with the phrases or words below,using their right forms.

1.raining weather and fog _________us________ traveling.

2.we must________ the living standard of the people.

3.plans are ____________for a new building.

4.eating too much food which is high in fat and sugar will ____________heart illness.

5.the patient_______________ lie in bed for another week.

6. the polluted air in the city is badly _________ the health of the residents.

7.i would ________your calling back this afternoon.

8.it___________to be seen whether he will pass the driving test .

9.you may ___________it that he will come to meet you.

10.attention_________________ the dangers of nuclear reactors.


1.rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge population growth has meant that not only is the amount of water taken from the river rising, but the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing. (page 38, lines 2-4)

not only is the amount of water是倒装分句,当not only…bust also连接两个分句, not only位于第一个分句句首用以强调加强语气时,应进行局部倒装。例如:

not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.

not only does he studies hard,but also he works well.

2.the pollution of the river has resulted in unsafe drinking water which has led to health problems for people living near the river.(page 38, lines 9-10)

(1) 辨析:result in, result from,

① result in 有“引起、导致= lead to”和“以…为结局”的意思, 后跟“结果”。

if breathed in, they can result in / lead to illness or even death.


their efforts resulted in failure. 他们的努力归于失败。

the attack led to / resulted in the us coming into the second world war.


in given conditions, a bad thing can lead to / result in good results.

在一定条件下, 一件坏事可以导致好的结果。

② result from 表示“由……产生”, 后跟“原因”。

the damage resulted from the fire. 这损害由火灾造成。

his failure resulted from not working hard enough. 他的失败是工作不够努力造成的。

(2) lead to除有“导致”、“引起”意义外,还表示“把……带到、(道路)通向……”。

the bell-boy led us to our rooms. 旅馆服务员把我们带到了我们的房间。

3.we still have a long way to go to solve all the problems concerning the yangtze river.

辨析:concerning,about,on 这几个词都有“有关”的意思,区别在于:

① concerning比较正式而已。例如:

let me take a look at all the official documents concerning the sale of this land.

what do you know concerning / about this? _______________________________

② about则比较通俗,更加口语化。例如:

there has been much debate about prices. _________________________________

-what is this book about? _____________________________________________

-it’s about a debate about animal rights. __________________________________

③ on多用于专业性内容或较正式的看法。例如:

many of these points were raised during the debate on the fishing industry. _______

many countries have contributed to the debate on world poverty. _______________


1. 单项选择

1. bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by jason, and .(辽宁卷)

a. i was neither b. neither was i c. i was either d. either was i

2. i’m sorry to you, but i can’t agree with you there after all.

a. disappoint b. prevent c. trouble d. worry

3. you’d better not leave the medicine kids can get at it. (2008山东)

a. even if b. which c. where d. so that

4. she is in a poor of health, which worries her mother much.

a. position b. situation c. state d. condition

5. is well known that the population of china is larger than any other in asia.

a. as; country b. it; country c. that; countries d. all; countries

6. cycling is highly to people’s health and the environment.

a. fashionable b. beneficial c. changeable d. suitable

7. - do you know which path the park?

- the one on your right.

a. to lead b. leading to c. leads to d. led to

8. this picture was taken a long time ago. i wonder if you can my father.

a. find out b. pick out c. look out d. speak out

9. not only interested in football but beginning to show an interest in it.

a. the teacher himself is; all his students are

b. the teacher himself; are all his students

c. is the teacher himself; are all his students

d. is the teacher himself; all his students are

10. the doctor advised vera strongly that she take a holiday, but it didn’t help.

a. would b. should c. might d. could

11.-can you help me with the math homework, mom?

-you can’t always other’s help for your homework. do it by yourself this time.

a. wait on b. rely on c. insist on d. turn on

12. i really appreciate to relax with you on this nice island.

a. to have had time b. to have time c. having time d. to having time

13. he his voice in order to be heard by all the people around the square.

a. lifted b. held c. rose d. raised

14. health problems are connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.

a. closely b. apparently c. forcefully d. slightly

15. it is reported that average family size from five to three children.

a. decreases b. is decreasing c. has decreased d. will decrease

2. 选择括号中所给短语动词的适当形式填空

be stocked with, be willing to, result in, show concern about, replace…with…, write in,

take steps to do, push ahead with, be under way, prohibit …from…, focus on

1. the public are showing growing concern about the safety of milk sold in supermarkets.

2. he promised to push ahead with economic reform.

3. the yearly campaign to collect money for the red cross is already under way.

4. we replaced the old television set with a newer one a few days ago.

5. his carelessness resulted in his failure in the driving test.

6. many governments in the world are taking steps to prevent the spread of h1n1.

7. the one bedroom apartment is stocked with its own bathroom and internet access.

8. he is not a bit mean; instead he is always willing to help anyone in trouble.

9. citizens in the country were prohibited from travelling abroad.

10. any alterations(修改) should be written in to the left side.




1. 我学会了: _________________________________________________________

2. 我的困惑是:________________________________________________________.


课题:unit 8? time??? let’s learn??????????????????????????????????????? 第 1? 课时课型:n教学目标basic aim: to learn the new words: watch? clock? day? nightdeveloping aim:??????? make some sentences with the new words教 学 重点、难点、关 键?pronounce words properly课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图warming-upsong创设气氛daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.????? what do you see?2.????? what do you want?3.????? what do you hear?4.????? what can you do?5.????? what do you like to do?巩固旧句型并培养学生的听说能力new learning1.????? to teach: watch(1). ask a pupil: have you a watch?(2). point to the watch and say:look! i have a watch. it’s on my wrist.(3). say after the teacher: watch(4). make some sentences with “watch”e.g.? i have a watch.???? this is my watch.由提问式引入引起学生注意并运用所学句型造句,使新词消化巩固。2.????? to teach : clock(1). show a clock and ask the pupilst: is this a watch?p: no, it isn’t.t: what’s this?(2). point to the clock and sayt: this isn’t a watch. it’s a clock.(3). say after the teacher: clock(4). make some sentences with “clock”.e.g.? listen to the clock.???? look at the clock.?? 由师生问答式帮助学生理解新词含义并用旧句型将新词活用。3.????? quick response(1). t: point to the clock and the watch.p: read out the quickly.(2). p1: read out the clock and the watch.p2: pick out their pictures quickly.?激发学生学习兴趣,并对前面二个新词加以巩固。课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图?4.????? to teach: day(1). draw the sun and some white clouds on the board and say:it’s a fine day. the sun is shining. there are some white clouds in the sky. it is day. understand?(2). say after the teacher: day(3). ask and answer(t&p)t: do you like day?p: yes, i do. (no, i don’t.)通过图画叙述让学生尽快理解新词含义,并用问答式加以巩固。5.????? to teacher: night(1). draw the moon and some stars on the board. ask the pupils:t: is it day?p: no, it isn’t.t: yes, it isn’t day. it’s night.(2). say after the teacher: night(3). free talke.g.?? i like day.????? i don’t like night.用对比教学法引出新词,并让学生说出自己的情感。6.????? guessing gamelook at the teacher’s mouth and let the pupils say out the word what the teacher said.吸引学生注意力。consolidation1.????? listen to the tape and say after it from watch to night.2.????? match the pictures to the words.纠正发音,进一步巩固新词。homeworklisten and read out the new words.?板书设计????教学具准备?word and picture cardstaperecordera watcha clock?课后小结??????????? 课题:unit 8 time?????? let’s learn???????????????????????????????????? 第 2? 课时课型:n教学目标basic aim: 1. review the words: watch? clock? day? night????????? 2. to learn the new words: breakfast? lunch? dinnerdeveloping aim: 1. to learn the word: supper????????????? 2. make some phrases.教 学 重点、难点、关 键?pronounce words properly课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图warming-uprhyme激活气氛daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.????? do you like night?2.????? four spoons?3.????? who’s he/she?4.????? is it hot?5.????? can you skip?培养学生的听说会话能力revisionwords: watch? clock? day? night1.????? look at the pictures and read out the words quickly.2.????? read the words and pick out the pictures quickly3.? match the pictures to the words.用不同的方法复习旧知避免枯燥乏味new learning1.????? to teacher: breakfast(1). show a clock. set it to 7 o’clock and do an action for eating. say: breakfast(2). say after the teacher: breakfast(3). show some bread and milk and do an action for eating. say: have breakfast(4). say after the teacher: have breakfast情景法使学生更容易理解所学材料,并将新词结合词组一起学习。2.????? to teacher: lunch(1). show a clock. set it to 12 o’clock and do an action for eating. say: lunch(2). say after the teacher: lunch(3). make a phrase: have lunch3.????? to teacher: dinner(1). show a clock. set it to 6 o’clock. point to the picture of “night” while doing the eating action.say: dinner(2). say after the teacher: dinner(3). make a phrase: have dinner(4). t: “have dinner” we can also say “have supper”.让学生在前面学习基础上,自己说出词组。补充supper一词,注重课外输入量。??consolidation1.????? listen to the tape and say after from breakfast to dinner.2.????? quick response(1). point to the pictures and say out the words quickly.通过动手操作,让学生体会学习的乐趣,使他们在课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图?(2). say the words and pick out the pictures quickly.(3). match the pictures to words.?动中学,在学中乐中巩固消化所学材料。letterto teacher: z z? zoo1.????? show a picture of a zoo and ask t: is this a park??? p: no.?? t: what’s this??? p:?? t: it’s a zoo.2.????? say several times.3.????? show the word card for “zoo” and say after the teacher.4.????? can you read out the first letter in this word?is it the capital letter or the small letter?5.????? compare the capital letter “z” with the small letter “z”.6.????? say after the teacher : zz↗↘ zoo↗↘ zz-/z/-zoo7.????? write out: zz?homeworklisten and read.?板书设计????教学具准备?word and picture cardssome foodtape recorder??课后小结?????????????课题:unit 8? time???? let’s act???????????????????????????????????? 第 3? 课时课型:n教学目标basic aim:1. using imperatives to give simple instructions????????? e.g.? may, get up!???????? education aim: educate the pupils to get up and go to bed early.教 学 重点、难点、关 键?to learn the phrases: get up, have lunch, go to bed课? 序教 ?学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图warming -uprhyme营造氛围daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.????? what’s your name?2.????? how old are you?3.????? where do you live?4.????? may i have a hot dog?5.????? do you like summer?通过问答调动学生记忆思维revision1. words: breakfast? lunch? dinner? suppershow the pictures and say out the phrases quickly.?? have breakfast?? have lunch?? have dinner?? have supper能用词组正确表达图片含义2. letters(1). song (2). recite the letters from aa to zz.(3). match the capital letters to the small letters.(4). quick response??? look at the letter cards and read out them quickly.对字母的音、形、 义能更准确的加以辨别new learning1.????? get up(1). show a clock. set it to 8 o’clock. pretend to yawn and stretch the arms to illustrate waking up. say several times: get up(2). say after the teacher: get up(3). say and do the action情景法便于学生感知思维2.????? have lunch(1). show a clock. set it to 12 o’clock and do an action for eating. say: have lunch(2). change the time and say:have breakfasthave lunchhave dinner/supper(3). show some pictures and say out theme.g.? have soup???? have some noodles???? have a hot dog(4). say and do the actions.通过不断变化的时间,使学生区别这三个词的含义,并让学生发散思维,使知识不断提升??课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图?3.????? go to bed(1). set the clock to 7 o’clock and pretend to go to bed. point to the picture of “night”. say: go to bed(2). say after the teacher: go to bed(3) show some pictures and say out them.?? e.g.? go to school??????? go to shanghai让学生对所学知识进行延伸和拓展consolidation1.????? listen to the tape and say after it.2.????? listen to the commands and do the actions.t&pgroup&groupp&p不同的对子活动法可以进一步调动学生的学习积极性homework1.????? listen and read.2.????? say and do the actions.?板书设计????教学具准备?a clocktaperecordersome picturesletter cards?课后小结?????????????课题:unit 8? time?????? let’s talk???????????????????????????????????? 第? 4 课时课型:n教学目标1.????? asking ‘wh-‘ questions to find out the timee.g.? what time is it?2.????? using formulaic expressions to express timee.g.? it’s three o’clock.教 学 重点、难点、关 键?ask and answer: what time is it?????????????? it’s _____o’clock.课? 序教? 学? 过? 程? 设? 计设计意图warming-upsong培养情感daily talkask and answer(t&p)1.????? are you a pupil?2.????? what’s the weather like?3.????? what day is today?4.????? do you like summer?5.????? what colour is it?让旧句型在不断听说中得到强化revisionlisten and actget up!have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper!go to bed!1. t: say?????????????? p: do the actions.2. t: do the actions.? ????p: say.培养学生合作学习氛围new learning1.????? review the numbers1-10(1). sing a song

英语牛津教材2b-unit8教案 来自本网。


check ,

e.g picture 1 a: do you play baseball?

b: yes ,i do .

picture 2 a: do you play basketball?

b: no ,i don’t .

a: what do you play?

b: i play volleyball .

look ,read and write .

read the letters after the t.

write the letters .




step3 have a rest .

sing a song: a b c song (只能唱到w,多唱的同学必须表演节目)

step 4 good bye .

the fourth period

teaching contents:

d fun house :workbook .

teaching aims:



teaching steps:

step1 warm up


sing a song: we study and play .

listen and do : let’s fly .let’s jump.let’s read and write .let’s have a drink .

step 2 presentation .

draw and guess :

a .教师在黑板上画出乐器类和球类物品的简笔画,学生猜出相应的单词。

b. 学生几人一组,一人画,其余人猜。

2.read the words four times .

3.listen and number .

听录音前可以让学生将图片看一遍,用句型look ,__can play __练习说话。

4.do a survey .

step 3 do the workbook .

1. listen and judge .


2.listen and check .

3.listen ,find and match .


4.listen and draw .

step 4 ending



m3 u2 words:

1. be made up of = consist of , be composed of

consist of的意思是“由……构成”,它与 make up of , compose of 的区别在于:consist of不可用被动语态,而make up of和 compose of 可以用被动语态。例如:

1) the house consists of 6 rooms.

2) the medical team is made up of three doctors and a nurse.

3) the book is composed of 25 units.

2.occupy occupation n.占据、职业

1. occupy意为 “take up or fill (time, space, sb’s mind, etc)” “占据,充满(时间,空间,某人的头脑等)”。

e.g. the speech occupied three hours. 发言占去了三个小时。

a bed occupied the corner of the room. 一张床占去了房间的一角。

2. occupy意为 “take possession of and establish troops in (a country, position, etc)” “(军事)占领(国家、阵地等)”。

e.g. the army occupied the enemy’s capital. 军队占领了敌国首都。

3. occupy意为 “live in or have possession of (a house, land, etc)” “占用,占有(房屋、土地等)”。

e.g. the family have occupied the farm for many years.


they occupy the house next door. 他们住在隔壁。

4. occupy oneself (in doing sth/with sth) “忙着(做某事);忙(于某事)”。(be busy doing sth./with sth.)

e.g. how does he occupy himself now he is retired?



he is a bus driver by occupation_____________________________________

3.name after

she was named after her grandmother.


the new school was named after the famous civil rights leader.

by name名叫;用名字

in the name of以...的名义;代表stop doing that, in the name of god! 看在上帝的分上,别干了

by the name of名叫 !

know sb. by name只知道某人的名字

4. aside from=apart from /

apart from在不同的上下文中,既有besides的含义,又有except和except for的含义,要根据上下文来判别。如:

apart from english, he has a good command of russian and french. 除英语外,他还精通俄语和法语。(= besides)

he has no interests, apart from his work. 他除了自己的工作外,没什么兴趣爱好。(= except )

it’s a good paper, apart from a few spelling mistakes. 这是一篇好论文,只是有几处拼写错误。(= except for)

aside from 类似于apart from的用法。


everything was quiet, aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance. 除了远处偶尔有汽车的声响外, 四周一片寂静。

aside from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.



i didn't accept the job because it was badly paid and aside from that, it wasn't very interesting. 我没接受这个工作, 因为工资既少, 又非常乏味。

5.contribution contribute

make a great contribution to

contribute to捐(款);投(稿);贡献;有助于

contribute to a literary journal 向文学杂志投稿

contribute to the furtherance of. 对促进……的发展起作用。

contribute to the red cross 捐助红十字会

6.defeat beat

beat和defeat属一组同义词,它们的宾语必须是人或一个集体,如a team, a class, an school, an army。defeat尤指在战场上打败敌人;beat是游戏、比赛的专门用词。二者常可换。 eg:

we beat their team by 10 points. 我们赢了他们队十分。

in the end their army was defeat/beaten. 最后他们的部队被击(打)败。

7.take control of

lose control of

beyond control 无法控制

in control (of) 控制(住),管理

out of control 不受控制

under control 被控制住

keep...under control 对...加以控制

under the control of 受...的管理(或管辖),受...的控制

have (no) control over (of)能(不能)控制...

8.lead to =result in

1. such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.


2. too much work and too little rest often lead to illness.


9.replace vt. 取代 =take the place of 放回原处

nothing can replace a mother's love. 什么都无法取代母爱。

we've replaced the old adding machine with a computer


he replaced the book in the shelf

10. entire = whole

whole n.全部, 全体, 整体, 完全之体系

adj.所有的, 完整的, 完全的, 纯粹的, 未损伤的, 未打破的

adv.完全, 整个

entire adj.全部的, 完整的, 整个

entire 与 whole 在许多情况下可以通用。例如:

the people‘s government has the support of the entire(whole) population . 人民政府得到全民的支持。

whole 常用来强调某事物的完整性,即没有任何部分被忽略或舍去相当于 every part. 在日常语言中,whole 远比 entire 用得多。例如:

one day the police even used their sticks during a peaceful march by blacks , and this was seen across the whole country on tv . (也可用 entire) 有一天,黑人在进行和平进军的时候,警察使用了警棍,这个情景全国的电视上都看到了。

entire 可以修饰抽象名词,whole 则不能。如:

this would destroy the entire peace of the middle east .





eg.1、therefore,we must learn english well.

2、they therefore can learn english well.

3、many fast food restaurant ,therefore, have red furniture or walls.


这时一般词前要用分号,其后用不用逗号无所谓。若第二个分句前是逗号或无符号,则要注意therefore是副词,和so不一样,要保持句子完整,应用and therefore。

eg.1、i had a headache; therefore i could not go to your party.

2、i was ill, and therefore could not come.

3、these birds are very beautiful and therefore liked by many people.

12. distinction n. 差别,区别;特性,特征;卓著,荣誉

the chief distinction of chinese food


a writer of distinction


academic distinctions


there is no appreciable distinction between the twins.


his distinction of sound is excellent.


distinguish v. 区分、辨别 distinguish...from... 辨别, 识别; 把...和...区别??

distinguish right from wrong


distinguish good from evil


13. concern n. 关心、忧虑、vt.涉及、使担忧 对。。。感兴趣

andrew expressed his concern. 安德鲁表示了他的关切。

be concerned about /for 关心,挂念;(没什么太大区别 几乎可以通用 但书面的正式用语多是be concerned about )

be concerned with 关系到,涉及 (指的是和某事或某人有联系 不涉及内心感受)

be concerned over sth. 为某事忧虑

be concerned in sth. 也是-- 和某事有牵连 有关联的意思

ex: the conference was concerned ___ the global reforms of the financial system,and every leader present was concerned ___ interests of his own country.

a with;about b over;about c for;in d about;with

14.access have access to

1. 接近,进入;接近的机会,进入的权利;使用[u][(+to)]

only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.


2. 通道,入口,门路[c][u][(+to)]

the only access to their house is along that narrow road.

ex: translate the sentence:


he is a man of easy access. _________________________________________

15.differ from = be different from

tom ____his father in character and some everyday habits

16. stand for =symbolize /represent

what do the letters un stand for?

the american flag stands for freedom and justice.


16.simplify v. simple adj. simplified adj.

the subject is immensely complex, and hard to simplify.


17.as a whole

as a whole our efforts did not prove to be futile.


the population as a whole is/are in favour of the reform.


18.indicate vt. 显示、表示、象征、暗示

the results indicate the need for more work.


the light above the elevator indicated that the elevator was then at the fifteenth floor.


19. convenient adj. convenience inconvenient

convenient意为“方便的”,常用于it is convenient (for sb) to do ….或sth. is convenient to sb. 结构.不可以说: if you are convenient

will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 明天就开始工作你觉得方便吗

ex: come and see me whenever _____ .

a: you are convenient b: you will be convenient

c: it is convenient to you d: it will be convenient to you

20. thus

a society is thus made up of people from all walks of life. thus在这里是“如此这样”的意思。就是说:社会就是这样的鱼龙混杂(由各种各样的人组成)。

he didn't work hard. thus he was fired.


unit3welcome to reading (page 41-45)

1. beyond our imagination, beyond one’s control/ description /ability beyond any praise

2. take part in a debate

3. the perfect copy, two copies of the magazine

4. cause much debate and shock people around the world

5. on (the) one hand, on the other hand

6. point one’s mistakes out

7. be used to save human lives

8. interfere in/with nature/one’s concentration

9. in this/that way; by this/that means

10. be on the way to producing a real-life monster, be on the way to school/success

11. die at a much younger age than normal, normal temperature, return to normal

12. in general, generally speaking

13. be praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough

14. consider cloning human beings; be considered to have done sth; be considered to be the best

15. research cloning, do research into cloning

16. concentrate on sth/doing; cure diseased like cancer

17. with the intention of destroying them

18. show no respect for human life

19. cause a lot of anxiety

20. be desperate to have a child of one’s own

21. be desperate for a job

22. adopt one’s advice, adopt a child

23. be genetically related to sb

24. push ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby,deliver a letter, deliver a speech

25. focus their efforts on cloning animals

26. be used in medical research

27. succeed in doing sth; be totally immoral

28. deal with the consequences, as a consequence of=as a result of

29. end up replacing us one day end up in failure

30. a product for sale/ on sale

31. use up earth’s resources

32. be/feel sorry for

33. be delighted to have a mother

34. comment on your article, make comments on

35. scientific advances mentioned in your article

36. be in complete agreement with =agree with sth completely; after all

37. challenge questions of morality for centuries, turn challenges into opportunities

38. on a personal note; personally speaking

39. die of heart failure死于心脏病

40. as a whole作为整体

41. what he said made no sense. 他说的话没意义,make sense of what he said理解他说的话

42. upon further readings 在进一步阅读之后

43. read an article with great concern 十分关注的读文章

44. go against nature违背自然, be against违背,反对

45. be responsible for the possible negative consequences

46. experiment with human life

47. put strict laws in place to protect nature制定严格的法律来保护自然, put everything in place使一切井井有条

48. take away his license取消执照

word-power to grammar in u3

1. be against= be opposed to; be for=be in favor of

2. on the opposite side of the street

3. cut down trees; be cut off from the outside; take a short cut

4. show disrespect for nature,

5. destroy the environment; have the environment destroyed

6. fight a hopeless battle against sth

7. work hard to achieve scientific breakthroughs

8. advance/promote technology促进科??

9. be left the way they are

10. compare your body to your school life把身体比作学校生活

11. control oneself bring sth under control; have sth controlled

12. be similar to sth

13. breathe fresh air, take a deep breath, hold one’s breath

14. lead/live a happy life

15. store information储存信息

16. remove waste from the blood, remove him from his position开除

17. lie trapped under the building

18. find out the truth in the field of science

19. a challenging profession, a professional football player

20. do/perform/conduct an experiment

21. my next door neighbor, live next door to me

22. try to figure out sth

23. the other day

24. get bored easily

25. come back from work下班回来

26. do a job, do/take a part-time job

27. match a with b

28. be bored with, be tired of厌倦

29. behave in the same way, behave well/oneself

30. be cautious and use good judgement

31. in my judgement; pass judgement on

32. make decisions

33. have no alternative/choice but to wait

34. have two alternatives/ two alternative ways to solve the problem

35. the book cost me 10 yuan. his careless driving cost him his life. he got promoted at the cost of others.以他人为代价获得升职 cut down/cut back on the cost of production

36. apologize for the mistake on my part. 我的错误 on my part=of my own

37. on my part, his plan made no sense.就我而??

38. the boy was more frightened than hurt.与其说他受伤了,不如说他被吓坏了 the coat is more blue than green.

39. encourage sb to do鼓励某人做--, inspire sb to do鼓舞某人做--- his hometown inspired his novel.给与灵感

40. burn out(元气)大伤, (精力)耗尽 you’ll burn yourself out if you work so hard.

he is burned out after decades of hard work.

unit 3task & project

1. correct spelling mistakes更正拼写错误

2. make changes to the information修改信息

3. take turns to do sth轮流做某事

4. complain to sb about sth向某人投诉某事

5. follow in their footsteps效仿某人

6. conduct /do/make/carry out a survey 进行调查

7. the majority of people,大多数人 in the majority占大多是

8. advocate this type of scientific research提倡这种科学研究

9. to conclude/in conclusion最后,总之

10. urge you to seek the opinions of the people敦促你征求大家的意见 urge that sb (should) do

11. seek fortune淘金/ a job/opportunities寻求良机/advice from sb 征求意见

12. common practice 常做的事;贯常做法

13. donate money to the poor 向穷人捐钱

14. teach sb a lesson 教训某人 learn a lesson from sth从中吸取教训

15. be resistant to sth抵制,对---- 有抵抗力 resist doing sth 抵制做….

16. be harmful to animals, be bad for;对…有害 be good for, be of benefit to, be beneficial to 对…有利

17. a mistake on your part 你那方的错误

18. so far迄今为止

19. be limited to doing 局限于做…

20. increase production profits增加生产利润, profit from从中得利, make profits获利

21. ensure safety 确保安全

22. limit the speed to 100km per hour

23. prove the theory证实理论, the theory proves to be true.理论原来是正确的

24. seriously affect our study 严重影响我们的学习

25. endlessly overdevelop earth’s resources 无穷尽地过度开发地球资源

26. construct a dam,建筑水坝 under construction在建设中,constructive advice 建设性建议

27. the planet we live on 我们生活的星球

28. stop economic development in favor of nature 为了保护自然停止发展经济

29. from my point of view, 在我看来 =in my opinion=for/on my part=as far as i am concerned

30. meet our needs/requirements满足需求/要求, make ends meet 量入为出

31. look around 环顾四周;全面思考

32. be concerned about saving nature rather than destroying it 关注保护而不是破坏自然

33. spell disaster for human beings 给人类招致灾难

34. have a /no relationship with 与…有/无关

35. developed/developing countries 发达/发展中国家

36. after decades of destroying nature 在毁坏自然数十年后

37. enjoy healthy and productive lives 享受健康而富庶的生活

38. a question of humans winning and nature losing 一个人类获胜自然失败的问题

39. it turned out that 结果是… turn out as planned 结果和计划一样

40. the solution is acceptable for everyone. 这个方案是每个人都能接受的



1. 能掌握节日单词 children’s day、christmas、mid-autumn festival、dragon boat festival和spring festival。

2. 能通过课前的信息搜集,课上的团队合作以及课后的自学,掌握以下节日

new year’s day、halloween、 may day、 national day 。

3. 能掌握四会句型

when’s…?it’s in…what do people usually do at/on…?they…

4. 学生能运用本单元的四会句型和日常交际用语谈论节日中人们的活动以及自己曾做过的事。





多媒体课件 实物


step1: warming-up


2.free talk.

what day is it ? what date is it today?

what do you usually do at the weekends?

(设计意图: 在上课开始,与学生亲切自然地相互问候,使学生快速进入英语学习的氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫。)

step2: presentation:

1. t:(教师手拿日历)what date is it?

s: it’s the first of october.

t: what holiday is on the first of october.

s: it’s national day.


ss:children’s day, teacher’s day, christmas, national day, halloween---

揭示主题: holidays

magic eyes


2. 教学 spring festival

(1)。(look at the screen)there is a duck, a cake and some fruit. oh, they are very delicious.(扮演出正在吃美味食物的样子)here“delicious”means“nice”。 (teach:delicious ←de-li-cious)

t: we can eat delicious food at spring festival.

teach: spring festival 春节

(2)。let’s read

it is a popular holiday in china. it is in january or february. people eat a lot of delicious food. they usually visit their relatives and friends.

relative means your parents,uncle,aunt,cousin,grandparents and so on.

it means…?

ss:(引导学生说出答案)it means亲戚!

t:(teach: relative ←re-la-tive)

(3)。 教学what do people usually do at spring festival?

t: what do people usually do at spring festival?

read: people 人,人们

practice: what do people usually do at spring festival?

they usually---

did you --- last spring festival?

yes, i did. no, i didn’t.

3. 教学 mid-autumn festival & dragon boat festival.

and there are some chinese traditional(传统的) festivals in china,too. we have spring festival, mid-autumn festival and dragon boat festival.

t:(show the picture of mid-autumn festival)

can you guess what fesitval it is from this picture?


t:yes,it’s mid-autumn festival.(teach: mid-autumn festival.)

when’s spring festival?

s:it’s on the 15th of august.

t:no,it’s in september or october. (日历展示)

what do people usually do at mid-autumn festival?if you can’t say in english,you can say it in chinese.(在用英语无法表达时,允许学生用中文来补充。)

s: 吃月饼,赏月。

t:yes. they usually eat moon cake and watch the moon.

t: did you eat moon cake and watch the moon last mid-autumn festival?

ss: yes,i do.

t: i think you should say:yes,i did.

( dragon boat festival教法同上。)

4. 教学christmas

(1)guessing game

问: what holiday is it ?

(2) 教师让学生说他们所知道的关于圣诞节的知识,如圣诞老人,圣诞礼物,圣诞食 品及圣诞活动,不限定学生全部用英语表达。

t: christmas is coming. do you know anything about christmas ,e.g. presents and food?

(设计意图: 用提问的方式引出即将学习的活动,并通过讨论让学生了解有关圣诞节的文化意识。)

(3) 教师用课件创设情景: christmas tree, santa claus, new clothes, stars, give presents to each other, play with friends..

the christmas is coming. please look at these pictures and talk about the following questions.

when’s christmas?

do you like christmas? why?

what do you usually do at christmas?

(4) 学生4人一组看图片,并根据问题讨论圣诞节。

(5) 小组汇报他们讨论的情况,并通过投影呈现: 例如christmas is on the 25th of december. we like christmas because it’s interesting. there are many christmas trees and we can see them everywhere. we can also buy new clothes and give presents to each other.


5. the usage of “at” and “on”

t: look at the phrases carefully and find the rule by yourselves.

小组讨论 “on” 和“at”的区别

at halloween at spring festival at dragon boat festival

on new year’s day on may day on children’s day

s: we use “on” before “day”。

t:well done!


1.(show two pictures about part c)

t:can you use the sentences on the blackboard to make up dialogues in pairs?

t:when’s spring festival?

s:it’s in january or february.

t: what do people usually do at spring festival?

s:they eat lots of delicious food.

t:did you eat lots of delicious food last spring festival?

s:yes,i did.(picture1 t-s;picture2 s-s)

2.show time:

___________is on ______________.

children usually______________________.

did you ____________last______________?

step5: homework

1. 仿照partc编写含有以下节日的句型:new year’s day、may day、

national day

2. introduce the foreign festivals to your parents.


unit6 holidays

a: when’s --- ?

b: it’s in ---.

a: what do people usually do at spring festival?

b: they usually---

a: did you --- last spring festival?

b: yes, i did. no, i didn’t.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
