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teaching goals

1. talk about modern agriculture and the effect it has on people’s life.

2. practice giving advice and making decisions.

3. learn to use “it” for emphasis.

4. learn to read statistical graphs.

5. write a plan for a vegetable garden.

period 1

step 1: new words

(listen to the pronunciations of each word and try to remember them).

step 2:warming up

1. look at the graph and tell what the meaning of this graph. it tells the growth of major products 1991-1995 compared with 1986-90 percentages.

2. the production of fruit in 1995 increased by a percentage of 85 compared with 1986.

3. let the students read the sentences on the screen and learn about some changes and effects between agriculture and people’s life.

4. ask one students to translate the reading material in the paper(the first and the second passages).

1.what do you think causes these changes? 你认问什么原因引起这些变化的?

2.what do you think the changes in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature? 你认为这些饮食变化对农业和自然会起什么作用?

do you think 是插入语,经常位于疑问词之后

where do you think our headteacher comes from?

who do you think the old lady is?


what is it, do you think?

2. effect n. 结果,影响

have an effect on 对…有影响

be of no effect 无效

come/go into effect 开始生效

in effect 在实施中

take effect 见效; 生效

bring/carry…into effect 实行;实施

affect v. 影响

effective adj. 有效的

i tried to persuade her, but without effect.

her new red dress will produce quite an effect on everyone.


my advice didn't have much effect on him.

the idea is of no effect.

these measures will not be brought into effect until next month.

the law came into effect on october 15.

the medicine didn’t take effect.

step 3 listening

1. show and explain the new words.

2. listen to the tape.

step 4 homework

prepare oral homework: practice giving advice and making decisions.

read the reading material (pre-reading)

period 2

step 1 revise the new words.

step 2 practise speaking

1. if i were you, i would raise pigs.

2. as far as i can see, 依我看,

3. you want to use the land in the best way possible and do the best for everybody in the village.为了村子里的每个人,你想尽自己最大的努力,以最好的办法来使用这块土地。

possible 与最高级连用, 强调“尽可能最…”。

he arrived at the worst possible time.他到达的时间,说多糟就有多糟.

the rocket traveled at the highest speed possible. 火箭以最大的速度飞行

period 3

step 1: revision (new words)

step 2. pre-reading


t: “ what’s the title of the reading passage?

ss: “modern agriculture”

t: “ what does it mean in chinese? ”

ss: “现代农业”

t: “ how to say ‘传统农业’in english ? ”

ss: “ traditional agriculture. ”

t: “ can you imagine what traditional agriculture is like? ”

ss: …

② let ss read the text firstly and answer the following questions:

how much land can be used for faming in china?

(seven percent of the land.)

what is the advantage and disadvantage of chemical fertilization?

(it helps to produce better crops. but is harmful to the environment.)

what is the biggest problem of chinese farmers?

(the shortage of arable land.)

3. skipping

let ss read the passage for the second time and answer two questions:

what does “gm” stand for?

(“g” stands for “genetically” from the word “genes”. “m” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”.)

what is the advantage of tomatoes which were using technique known as “gm”?

(the tomatoes are bigger and healthier. they can grow without danger from diseases. they also need much less time to get ripe.)

innovations改革 problems advantages

chemical fertilisers shortage of arable land bigger and better crops

pumps for irrigation weather conditions bigger and better crops

special seedbeds shortage of arable land more crops in one year

machines e.g. tractors how to make production cheaper (not in the text) bigger crops on more land by fewer hands

international exchange lack of knowledge learn from other people

greenhouses weather condition bigger and better crops

greenhouses (roots in water tanks) shortage of arable land more crops in one year

gm technique (can grow in poor soil) shortage of arable land can grow in poor soil; bigger & healthier; less time to ripe

4. listening

let ss listen to the tape and follow it.

5. discussion

①let ss work in groups and imagine what other changes have happened on farms in the last 100 years.

② let ss discussion the following questions

1.at the beginning of the passage, why does the writer say “it is on the arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china”?

2. what does the writer want to tell us by saying, “not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment.”?

3. what can we infer from the sentence “in china about one hundred research stations are now doing gm research to make better tomatoes, cotton…?”

4. what can you imagine about the future of food production?

step iv post-reading

finish the exercises in students book, page 46, exercise 1-2

step v. homework

workbook exercises

the reading materials.

period 4

step i revision

step ii word study

finish the exercises in student book, page 47.

step iii practice

let ss finish the exercises “vocabulary, 1-3” in page 108, workbook

step iv grammar

1. give ss some sentences to translate into chinese and find out difference and sameness among these sentences (slide show)

it is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.

it was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

it was they who/that cleaned the classroom yesterday.

it was in the street that i met her father.

it was the goat’s eyes that he had seen in the darkness.

2. teach ss to find out the phrase from the sentence above----it is+被强调部分+that/who…

translate the following sentences into english:

1.写这本书的人就是玛丽。it is mary who wrote this book.

2.这个就是长满了美丽的鲜花的花园。it is garden that many beautiful flowers grow in.

3.她就是擅长唱歌的女孩。it is a girl who is good at singing.

4.那就是他叔叔移居纽约的季节。it was for this reason that his uncle moved out of new york.

5. 错的人是我。 it is i who am wrong.

4. note:

a. 在强调句型中,若被强调部分指人,可以用关系代词who或that;若被强调的是状语,只能用that,不能用when或where。

b. 注意与“it is /was…that +clause”主语从句的区别。

强调句型与it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语十分相似,但主语从句中it is /was后通常用名词或形容词作表语。强调句型中it is /was后是对主语、宾语或状语的强调成分。

5. let ss find out some sentence with ‘it’ in the text ‘modern agriculture’.

6. exercises

let ss finish the exercises in student’s book, page 47-48, exx 1-2.

let ss finish the exercises in workbook, page 109, exx 1-3.

finish all the exercises in the book.

period 5

step i reading

1. let ss look at the picture and briefly introduce jia sixie,

2.skimming: let ss read the text and find out the information about jia sixie (slide show)

where/born: yidu, shandong province

when/live: six century ad

where/work: gaoyang, shandong province

what/do: study the science of farming

what book/write: qi min yao shu

the book/about: both the farming and gardening

the importance of the book: an important summary of the knowledge of farming

3.listening: let ss listen to the tape and follow it, then finish the exercises (slide show)

true or false:

1.china was the earliest research center for agriculture. ( t )

3.qi min yaoshu includes advice on the following subjects: growing green vegetables and fruit trees, keeping cows and sheep, and there are also instructions for making metals. ( f )

4.the spring ploughing should be deeper than the autumn ploughing. ( f )

5.we should plant rice in the same field year after year. ( f )

6.we’d better grow different plants next to each other in the same field. ( t )

step ii writing

1. write a plan for a vegetable garden, using the tips in the book, page 49.

2. read in the reading paper “a plan for a vegetable garden”

3. assign it as written homework.

period 6

step 1 revision (new words and language points)

step 2 listening practice

1. make the students understand what they are going to hear about and what they should do.

2. play the tape for them to listen twice or three times.

3. check their answers with the whole class.

step 3 workbook exercises

1. check their answers to the vocabulary exercises and grammar exercises.

step 4 homework

assign talking as oral homework

period 7

step 1 revision

step 2 workbook

1.continue to do the exercises

step 3 reading

1. allow the students a few minutes to read the introduction about the text in the reading paper.

2. listen and read the text “greening the hills”.

3. let the students raise their questions about their difficulties.

4. discuss the problems in the exercises. ex 1 and ex 2. (answers are shown on the screen).

step 4. writing

1. let the students read the introduction about the writing

2. let the students read the short passage in the textbook.

3. make the students understand what and how they should write.

4. assign it as written homework in exercise books. (read the sample essay in the reading paper, which may be of some help to the students with their writing).


1. over the years 经过许多年后

2. have an effect on 对…有影响 (=affect)

3. make good money 很赚钱

4. raise/keep/feed pigs 养猪

5. make use of 利用

6. take note of 记录; 记笔记

7. as far as i can see 依我看(=in my opinion)

8. as…as possible 尽可能

9. bring in 带来; 引进

10. the international exchange of delegations 代表团之间的交流

11. be harmful to 对…有害

12. depend on 依靠;依赖 (rely on)

13. as well as 也, 还

14. not only …but also.. 引导并列句,前句倒装

not only is reading important, but also speaking is a necessary part of learning english.

15. not…but… 不是…而是…

16. protect…from… 保护…免受…的伤害

17. stand for 代表

18. in other words 换句话说

19. a variety of 各种各样的 (=various)

20. do research into 对…进行研究

21. learn from 向…学习

22. instructions for making wine 酿酒说明

23. a practical guide to farming 很实用的农耕指南

24. at the right/correct/wrong time of the year (不)适时的

25. go against 违反;违背

26. remove weeds 除草

27. plough deep the first time 第一次深耕

28. year after year 年复一年 (=every year)

29. harvest good crops 获得好收成

30. pass on (from generation to generation) (一代一代)传下来


1. be short of 缺乏;短缺

2. add…to… 把…添加到…

3. from time to time = now and then 时不时的; 偶尔的

4. at an early age 小时候

5. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 (短暂性)

be in love with sb 爱着某人 (持续性)

6. rise up to the sky 上天

7. search for 寻找 (=look for; hunt for)

8. all of this is new. 这一切都是崭新的。

9. in the past 过去

10. wash away 冲走

11. as a result (of…) (由于…的)结果

12. be covered with 被…覆盖

13. to one’s joy/delight 使某人感到高兴的是



1、学习单词 sad angry ,准确掌握单词的说法。





step 1:warm-up(热身运动)


t:good morning everyone!

c:good morning miss liu。

t:it’s time for class,let’s play english.

t:let’s dance to music. reading go!


t: what’s wrong with you? (i am hungry.)

t:may i help you?(yes, please / no, thank you.)


t:(出示单词卡片)can you speak in english?(yes ,smile)

t: look, what’s wrong? (宝宝哭了)哭了?do you known in english?(cry)

step 2:presentation(内容呈现)


t:let us listen story and listen carefull.


t:dodo怎么了?what’s wrong?发生了什么事情?(引出单词伤心的单词)

t:伤心?do you know in english? now listen to the dv. what did you hear?


t:dodo伤心的哭了,他想家了.don’t be cry,别哭了。(教师边说边做出哭的表情)

t:what did you hear?(出示单词图片sad)

t:ok ,follow my mouth.


step 3:practice(活动操练)

1、play game:悄悄话。



t:ok ,time up .class is over. good bye everyone。

tc:good bye miss liu!



1.to be, or not to be -that is the question.


这句话是莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的一个名句。意为“to live or not to live-that is the question.对于这种名句名言类的,在平时写作中可以采用仿似的修辞手法,给人印象深刻。根据家喻户晓的成语或谚语,临时更换其中的某个部分,造成新的成语或谚语;或者根据古今名言警句,在保持其原句不变的情况下,更换其中部分词语,这种修辞方式叫仿似。

eg. to lie or not to lie-the doctor’s dilemma.


to do it or not to do it is not the only question.


2.uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.



eg. gone are the days when we used “foreign oil”.


present at the meeting were the scientists, who came from different countries.


②(lie在此用作系动词,表示“处于某种状态”,它的过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain.)

eg. the machine lay idle all week.这机器整整一周没有开动。

the dust has lain undisturbed for years. 尘土积在那儿很多年了。


eg. he’s wearing a new coat. 他穿着一件新大衣。

does your brother wear glasses?你的弟弟戴眼镜吗?

he wears his hair very short.他留着短发。

she wears a string of pearls around her neck.



eg. she wore an angry expression.她面带笑容。

i have worn my socks into holes.我的袜子已磨出洞来了。

3. “romeo, romeo, why are you romeo? deny your father, and refuse your name”


deny(denied, denied, denying)作为及物动词,表示“否认,不承认;不给,不准;(正式)抛弃,背弃”讲。它后面可接名词,动名词和宾语从句。

eg. can you deny the truth of his statement?


he denied telling me/that he had told me.


i was denied the chance of going to college.


he has denied his country and his principles!


4.what must antonio give shylock if he can’t pay back the debt?


pay back意为“还钱给某人”,主要句型有pay sb. back(sth) 和pay sth back.例如:

i’ll pay him back with all my heart. 我将用我的生命向他偿还。

have you paid me back the money you owe me yet?


pay back还表示“惩罚,报复”。例如:

i’ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.



pay for sth.为某事吃苦头或受惩罚

pay off带来好结果

pay sb off付清工资予以解雇;贿赂某人

pay sth. off全部偿还

pay sth. out(按时)为某事付巨款

pay up付清全部欠款

eg. the home team paid dearly for their defensive errors.


the gamble paid off.赌赢了。

pay off the crew of a ship 付清全部船员工资并予以解雇

pay off one’s debts, a loan, a mortgage还清债务、贷款、抵押款

i had to pay out £200 to get my car repaired!


we’re paying out £300 a month on our mortgage.


i’ll take you to court unless you pay up immediately.


5.what makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.



②people of different ages 表示所属关系“属于的”;

a girl of ten十岁的女孩儿

a child of strange appearance 外貌奇特的孩子

an item of value一件值钱的物品

③in modern times指“当代”。time 表示“时期,时代”常用复数。

in ancient times 在古代;in the time of queen victoria 在维多利亚女王时代

6.but when the roles are turned around, it is shylock who must beg the duke to save his life.


①turn around在这里指“(方针、立场等)转变”。

②“it is shylock who”为强调句式,本句强调的是主语部分。注意强调句的特点是去掉it is/was和that,剩余部分经过整理后整个句子仍然成立。

③beg sb. to do sth.意为“恳求或祈求某人做某事物”。例如:

i beg you not to take any risks.我恳求你不要冒险。

7.what would you do if you had your worst enemy in your power?


②in one’s power意为“在某人的掌握之中,任由某人摆布”

the enemy is in our power.


8.we can find several such ideas in shakespeare’s play.


在ideas这个中心名词前有两个限定词修饰。限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定作用的词类。限定词包括:①冠词 ②形容词性物主代词 ③名词所有格 ④形容词性指示代词 ⑤所有格关系代词 ⑥所有格疑问代词 ⑦形容词性不定代词 ⑧基数词和序数词 ⑨倍数词和分数词 ⑩量词。限定词可分为:①前位限定词②中位限定词 ③后位限定词。个别限定词有跨类现象,如本句such既属予前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词。当与冠词a, an连用时属于前位限定词,例如:such a suit; 当与some, any, all, few, another, other, many, several, one, two等词搭配时属于后位限定词,即such要放在这些词之后,例如:many such books, no such car。

9.have mercy on antonio, shylock.



①have mercy on/upon sb./sth.=show mercy to sb/sth表示“对表示同情;对有怜悯之心”

②at the mercy of sb./sth任由某人或某事摆布

③throw oneself on sb’s mercy恳求某人宽恕/善待

eg. she has mercy on little animals. 她怜悯小动物。

they showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人毫不仁慈。

his life shall be at the mercy of the duke.


the ship was at the mercy of the storm.


he threw himself on my mercy.他求我宽恕他。

10.i’ve promised to take my pound of flesh.


①promise作为及物动词,常接的结构有promise to do sth; promise sb. to do sth; promise后接双宾语和promise接从句。

eg. i never promised to obey her commands.


his pareats promised him to buy a new bike.


she promised me a gift for my birthday.


he promised that he would come.



flesh通常指人或动物身上的肉,也可指供食用的兽类的肉(区别于鱼或禽的肉)。meat 指供食用的肉类的总称,通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉。

eg. you’re losing flesh.你瘦了。

lions are flesh-eating animals. 狮子是肉食动物。

i like meat while my sister likes fish.


注意:meat 是供食用的肉类的总称,猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等各有其专门名称,即pork, beef, mutton

11. it’s useless trying to argue with shylock.


it’s useless doing= it’s no use doing表示“做没有用处”


it is no use learning without thinking.学而不思则罔。

it’s no good crying over spilt mick.覆水难收。

12.you might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.


①might as well表示给人提出建议时的常见的短语,意为“不妨好,还是好。”

i might as well tell you the truth.


②go stand upon sth.表示“去站在上面”。例如:

would you please go stand upon that board?


he dare not go stand upon that high tower.


13. pass judgement on me and give shylock what he wants.


pass judgment on sb.表示“对某人宣判”。

eg. when will the judge pass judgement on that woman?


the court will not pass judgement on him until next sunday.


14. if you offered me six times what you have just offered, i would still take my pound of flesh.




eg. the young man offered the old man his own seat.(offer sb. sth.)


i offered him fifty thousand dollars for the house.(offer sb. money for sth.)


he offered to lend me some books.(offer to do)




a is three times the size(height, length, width, etc) of the old one.

the new building is four times the size(the height) of the old one.


this street is four times the length(the width) of that one.


the size(the height) of the new building is four times that of the old one.

这座新楼的大小(高度)是那座旧楼的四倍。(由于句首已用了the size, the height, 所以在four times后面用代词that来代替,以避免重复。)

(2)a is three times as big(high, long, wide, etc) as b

asia is four times as large as europe.


this box is three times as heavy as that one.


(3)a is three times bigger (higher, longer, wider)than b

the meeting-room is three times bigger than our office.



the room is twice the size of that one.= this room is twice as big as that one.


our total income of was double of .


15.how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?


①when 在此处引导一个条件状语从句


eg. hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


we are hoping for better weather soon.


16.i desire my pound of flesh.

desire 是及物动词,意为“渴望,要求,期望”。后面可接名词(代词)、动词不定式及从句作宾语。

eg. all of us desire better life and more education.


we always desire to live in peace with our neighbour.


mr wang desires that you should go to the teacher’s office at once.



eg. at the desire of the teacher, we should finish our homework on time.按照老师的要求,我们应该准时完成作业。

17. i do not envy you your job. this is a most troublesome case.


①envy sb. sth表示“羡慕某人,嫉妒某人”。

i envy you very much.我真羡慕你。

she envies me my good health.她羡慕我身体好。

②a most+adj.= a very + adj.表示“一个很的”。

the most+形容词最高级表示“最之意”,这时句末一定要有表达范围的介词of或in.

eg. dalian is a most beautiful coastal city.


this is a most enjoyable party.这是一次令人极为愉快的晚会。

she worked out the most difficult problem of the three.


mary is the most beautiful girl in our class.


18.what are you accused of ?你因什么而受到起诉?

accuse sb. of sth. 意为“因控告人,告发,指责人”

eg. the police accused him of theft.警方控告他偷窃。

he was accused of murder. 他被控谋杀。

she accused him of being late.她指责他迟到。

19.let me tear up this paper.让我们这张借条撕了吧。

句中的tear up的意思是“撕毁”

eg. she tore up all the letters he had seut her.


tear up可以引申为“不履行”。

eg. he accused his secretary of tearing up the agreement.


tear down意为“弄倒,拆除”。

eg. they are tearing down those old house to build a new office block.


20.antonio, get ready and offer up your breast.


offer up 在本句中意为“奉献”,主要用于表示向上帝或神祭献某人或某物。例如:

she offered up a prayer to god for her husband’s safe return.


21.i declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.



eg. america declared war on iraq last year.


they declared him(to be) the winner.


he declared that he had nothing to do with the matter.


she was declared(to be) guilty. 已宣判她有罪。

22.he agreed to lend antonio the money on one condition.



on this/that condition在这种或那种情况下

on what condition 在什么情况下

on no condition无论什么情况都不

in condition健康良好

out of condition身体不佳

on condition that是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“只有在条件下”(=only if),“条件是”。

eg. you may borrow this book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.你可以借这本书,条件是不能再借给别人。

ability and effort are conditions of success.


on this condition you may go home earlier.


on what condition will you agree with me?


he can’t climb the mountain because he is out of condition.


23.he is young, but i never knew so young a body with so wise a head.他很年轻,但是我过


在一个名词词组中,不定冠词a/an通常用在形容词的前面。如a serious mistake。但是,如果形容词前面有so, too, how时,a/an 就该放在形容词后面,其结构是“so/too/how+adj+a/an+n.”。能够构成这种结构的名词必须是单数可数名词。

eg. did you notice that you have made so serious a mistake?


it’s too difficult a book for beginners.


how wonder ful a plan it would be! 那该是一个多么好的计划啊。

试比较:he is so good a teacher that we all like him.= he is such a good student that we all like him.

练一练:用so, such填空

1.__________ big a city 2._____________ a pretty girl

3.__________ good students 4._____________fine weather

5.__________many books 6._____________much water

7.__________ little food 8._____________ few oranges


1. so 2. such 3. such 4. such 5. so 6. so 7.so 8. so

24.you want justice, so you get justice, more than you wanted.


shall 在此处用于第二人称,表示说话人的允诺,意思是“可以”。

在本剧的最后还有:everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. one half of his money and his goods shall be givenand the other half shall be given两句中的shall用于第三人称,表示法令、规章等中的规定,意思是“必须”。shall 用于第二、三人称,还表示决心、命令、警告、要求、义务等。

eg. he shall answer for his misdeeds.他应当为他的错误行为负责。

you shall have a nice present for your birthday.


nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan.



eg. shall we go now?我们现在走可以吗?

she he come in?可以让他进来吗?

25.therefore, go down on your knees and beg the duke for mercy.


①go down on one’s knees 的意思是“跪下”、“屈膝”。

they will never go down on their knees before the oppressors.


②beg for意为“乞求,请求”

he went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.


26.my money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.


dear 在此处的意思是“珍贵的”

he lost everything that was dear to him.



27.shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.


①句中的upon 等于on,表示“就在某时或某场合之后。”例如:

upon my arrival home i found there was something strange.


on asking for information i was told i must wait.


②leave sth. to sb.表示“将某事物遗赠给某人;死后留下某物给某人”

leave all one’s money to charity把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业。


teaching aims and demands

words and phrases

four skills: protection technical import production method tie discovery garden gardening wisdom practical guide firstly condition remove generation depend on and so on

three skills: technique irrigation pump seed insect root golden sow soil weed sunflower

spoken english:

giving advice and making decisions

in my opinion you should … i think he is right …

if i were you … wouldn’t it be better if …?

we can’t do both, so… the other idea sounds better to me…

we have to make a choice ….

as far as i can see the best thing would be to …


the use of “it” (2): ----强调句中的某一成分

1. 强调主语

the children often help the parents do he farm work.

it is the children who often help the parents do the farm work.

2. 强调宾语

future agriculture should depend on high technology.

it is high technology that future agriculture should depend on.

3. 强调地点、时间等状语。

the farmers produced food for the whole population of china on this arable land.

it was high technology that future agriculture should depend on.

use of language:

help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. learn the text modern agriculture and farming and gardening. get the students to feel the role the agriculture plays in our life and the effect of high technology in agriculture.

important points:

the way to give advice and make a decision.

difficult points: the use of “it”.

teaching aids: computer, tape-recorder

way of teaching: 交际法教学


step 1 warming up

ask the students to first study the graph in the book and make sure they understand what information it provides: the graph shows the growth of major farm productions over the period from 1991-1995 in relation to period from 1986-1990. what it shows in that for example for grain, the production in the four years from 1991-1995 was 10% more than in the four years from 1986-1990.

for answers to the question 1:

the produce for all products was higher than before. especially the produce of meat, fish and fruit has increased very sharply.

1. people are earning more money, so they want to buy and eat or meat.

2. people learn more about healthy food, so they want to eat more fruit.

3. eating fish doesn’t make people as fat as eating meat, so people like eating more fish.

for answers to the question 2

1. people want to buy different products, so farmers need to grow different things.

2. farmers want to make more money. when they can grow extra crops or other crops on their land or land which they can’t use to grow grain, they will for example plant fruit trees. in the end, they will bring more fruit trees.

for answers to the question 3

1. first, chinese people are eating more meat. next, farmers have to raise more pigs, sheep and cattle. so, more grass is needed to feed more sheep and cattle. so, farmers need more grassland. possibly, they will cut down trees to take more land on which to grow grass.

2. if farmers want to grow different crops they would plant them together. this can be very good for the soil.

step 2 listening

get the students to listen to the text and then check their answers.

answer to exercise 1: history of farming farmers in china protection of nature trees environmental problems dikes

answer to exercise 2: 1. true 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. false

answer to exercise 3: 1. (all kinds of ) environmental problems 2. destroyed 3. floods 4. droughts 5. farming 6. go against nature 7. too wet 8. farming/growing wheat/growing crops 9. fishponds

step 3 speaking

first show the students some pictures of kinds of lands being used. when land is becoming scare, people in towns and villages may sometimes have different idea about the best way to use the land. often such conflicts are about the decision whether to use the land for building houses, factories and roads or as farmland.

then divide the students into groups of five, and let each student take one of the rules. there are five roles: a-d are all local farmers in the small village. role e plays as the leader.

step 4 homework

prepare a discussion for one of the topic in the exercise talking.


step 1 revision

get several students to present their discussion they prepared last class.

step 2 presentation

first show the students the pictures on their books. and then ask them to describe what they find in the pictures or what information they can get through comparing them in the two rows.

the answer may be: the first four pictures are ways that farmers used in agriculture in the past decades, while the last four are ways of modern farming.

it’s striking feature is the wide use of modern agriculture technique.

step 3 reading

ask the students to read the text

step 4 language points

1. it is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.

“it” 引导强调句。it无意义,只起语法作用。

jia sixie wrote a book called qimin yaoshu around 540 ad.

--- it was jia sixie who wrote a book called qimin yaoshu around 540 ad.

--- it was a book called qimin yaoshu that jia sixie wrote around 540 ad.

--- it was around 540 ad that jia sixie wrote a book called qinmin yaoshu.

------其结构:it + be + 强调部分 + that (人物用who/whom) +句子其他成分。

2. to make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.

(1) as … as possible 尽可能的….

we need to send the letter off as soon as possible.

hold your breath for as long as possible.

(2) where possible = where it is possible.

fill in the words in the blanks where necessary.

come to see her when possible.

3. 词组总结:bring in as well as protect … from a variety of over the years have an effect on make good money make use of in the 1980s be different from stand for in other words go against

step 5 interview

get one students to play as a scientist, then some students as reporters. the others students may ask the “scientist” to answer some questions they are interested in about gm.

step 6 homework

finish the exercise on page 108 in the talking part and the exercises 2 3 in the following part.

lesson 3

step 1.revision

check the homework.

step 2 word study

finish the exercise on page 108 as a test on the vocabulary.

and then complete the chart on p47, make sure the students know what they are expected the do.

step 3 grammar

first introduce the content about the use of “it”.


the use of “it”(2) for emphasis

it is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.

it was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

step 4 practice

finish the exercises 1 2 in the following part.

step 5 workbook

finish the two exercises in the workbook.

step 6 homework

prepare some information for farming in china.

lesson 4

step 1 revision

get several students to report what they have prepared for the topic assigned last class.

step 2 presentation

get the students to finish the exercise 3 on p110 as an introduction of the text.

step 3 reading

ask the students to read the text and answer the questions below.

the answers are:

1. farmers should do things at the fight time of the year.

2. farmers should examine the soil carefully.

3. if the condition of the soil is not good, farmers should improve it.

4. before sowing or planting crops, farmers should clean rough ground and remove weeds.

5. farmers should let sheep or cattle (cows) walk on the land before sowing or planting crops.

6. farmers should plough the land, so weeds are destroyed.

7. when ploughing the land, farmers should plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.

8. farmers will get the best results i they change crops in their fields.

9. if farmers plant rice in a field one year, and wheat in that field the following year, they will harvest good crops.

10. if farmers plant wheat close together, they will have better results than when plant wheat leaving space between the plants.

11. it is good to grow different plants next to each other in the same field.

step 4 homework

ask the students to prepare a report about how to make a vegetable garden. here they may be told to use the library or internet.

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
